we look away (2022)

Leigh was accepted into the Get What You Need (GWYN) residency in fall 2021. In their research, mover and performing artist Leigh documented the visible roadkill of West Philadelphia over a six month period. Through this work, Leigh rejects the notion of human exceptionalism and instead invites audience members to acknowledge the larger grief of human impact on the ecological landscape.

dwell (2021)

In 2021, Leigh developed dwell, which was shown to an intimate audience at their home. Audience members watched from the porch through cracked windows and doors to see performance.

The home is a container that shields us from the exterior, the other. Leah revisits their memories of losing a family home and investigates the spaces we occupy as children. They wield memory, gestures, and the present pandemic to deconstruct the domestic sphere.

In Omnibus Requiem Quaesivi (2019 and 2020)

For several years, Leigh has collaborated with performer Laura Vriend. Through their collaborative process, they investigate grief through a series of iterative vignettes. 

In Omnibus Requiem Quaesivi


In Omnibus Requiem Quaesivi (pars duo)


HPI and Leah Stein Fall StudioWorks (2020)

Leigh completed their artist residency with Headlong Performance Institute in 2019 with their culmination “and the day gathered in.” The following year, they choreograped, collaborated, and performed in the Leah Stein fall studioworks and created “pep” a one-person virtual pep rally.

and the day gathered in (2019)

pep (2020)


Night of 1,000 Kates

Leigh has performed with their group, 2HOT2GREEDY for six years, both choreographing and performing.


Big Sky (2019)

18 Words for Snow (2021)